Heatmaps: Identifying areas the customers are most attracted to


Written by NSoft Vision



The Heatmaps section offers insights into visitor interactions on-site. Each camera tracks body detections in the visible space, and the heatmap visualizes popular (hot - red color) and less popular (cold - purple color) elements in the camera frame, using a color scale from purple to red. 

By combining body detection and spatial data, Heatmaps create colorful illustrations, helping you understand where and how visitors spend their time.

How to activate the Heatmap feature? 

If you haven't yet activated the heatmap for any of your cameras, the following screen will be displayed when you click on the Heatmap section within the Vision app.

In order for cameras to appear in the Heatmaps section, you will need to activate the Heatmap option for each camera. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Vision app on your device and access the Control Panel.
  2. Within the Control Panel, locate and select the "Cameras" section, allowing you to manage settings for various cameras.
  3. Choose the specific camera for which you wish to enable the Heatmap feature.
  4. In the AI Services tab, within the AI Processing section, follow these steps:
    1. Toggle People Counting.
    2. Choose one of the two models for Body detection: Body Side View or Body Top View (decision on what model to use should be based on the camera type, position and your needs)
    3. Toggle the Heatmaps section.
  5. Once configured, click the Save button to apply the changes.

After enabling Heatmaps, this camera will appear in the Heatmaps section of the app. 

How to use Heatmaps?

Heatmap section is structured and operates similarly to Live View and Timeline. It consists of two views - Main View and Detailed View. The Main View serves as the primary interface. By clicking on each camera heatmap in the Main View, you’re transitioning to the Detailed View for a more in-depth analysis.


Heatmap - Main View

View heatmaps 

Upon entering the section, the left side of the screen displays a list of cameras with enabled heatmaps. To access and view the heatmap data for a specific camera, click on the desired camera, and its camera snapshot with heatmap overlay will appear on the right side of the interface. 

For added convenience, you have the option to select multiple cameras and adjust the layout, choosing between one or two columns for how the cameras are displayed.

Search and Filters

Use the search bar to find cameras by name. Next to it, easily add cameras to a 'Saved View' for quick access in future logins. For more precision, Live View offers advanced filters, helping you locate cameras based on attributes like saved views, location, or labels.


In the upper right corner, find the calendar option. Filter the heatmap data by date or date range, instantly adjusting the displayed information based on your selection.


Filter Outliers

When hovering over the heatmap, next to the x button, there's a gear icon that allows you to check/uncheck the option Filter Outliers. When checked, this option eliminates irregular or extreme data points, such as cashiers or staff in a retail shop.

This process helps enhance the accuracy and reliability of the heatmap by reducing noise or anomalies, resulting in a clearer and more meaningful visualization of the distribution of body detections within the camera's field of view.

Heatmaps - Detailed View

To see more detailed information about Heatmap, you can click on the camera. The same logic is implemented when accessing the timeline from live view (by clicking on the camera). 

When clicked, a new detailed view will appear. It consists of the heatmap (1), hot zone details (2) and three types of line charts (3). The left menu (with cameras list, search and filters) and calendar are the same as on the main view.

  1. Heatmap is the same as on the main view - it shows camera snapshot with heatmap overlay.
  2. Hot Zone Details - it shows the percentage of all detections, as well as longest and average occupancy times. The average occupancy indicates how frequently the space was occupied on average during a given period, while the longest occupancy time signifies the longest continuous period during which detections were present. When hot zone radius is selected, the data in hot zone details automatically updates to reflect the new radius position and size.
  3. Line charts - The Average Activity line chart is selected by default and represents body detections, with each point shown as a percentage relative to the maximum number of body detections, distributed by dates or hours (depending on the calendar selection). Additionally, users can change the selection in the dropdown to view two other line charts representing Average and Longest Occupancy.


Hot Zone Radius

To focus on a specific area within the camera frame, right-click on the heatmap and set the Hot Zone Radius. Simply adjust the circle size to select the area you're interested in (cursor turns into a circle). Hover over the heatmap, and you'll see instant updates in the hot zone details and line charts, providing information specific to the chosen area.