Control Panel: Managing spaces in Vision


Written by NSoft Vision


As a space owner, you can view the Vision spaces that you own, review your billing information, view and edit space details, change ownership, and enable space-level functionality, such as Time Clock.

Accessing the "SPACE" section

  1. Open the Vision app on your device and navigate to the Control Paneltune_FILL0_wght300_GRAD0_opsz20.png.
  2. If you are a Space Owner, the “SPACE” section will be the first thing you see when you open the Control Panel.

Figure 1 – Space tab.png
Figure 1 – Space section within the Control Panel

Important Note:

Only users with the "SpaceOwner" role have access to the "SPACE" section within the Control Panel.

Space section

Within the “SPACE” section, you’ll see a list of spaces you own. Select the space you want to open by clicking on it. After selecting the desired space, a window will appear.

Space overview

Top Right Buttons:

  1. Three-dots button will open a menu with options to disable, enable, or delete the selected space.
  2. "x" (Close) closes the window.


The Space Settings window is divided into three tabs: GENERAL, PERMISSIONS, and OWNERSHIP.


The GENERAL tab contains both editable fields and read-only information about the space.

1. Editable fields include:

  • Space Name
  • Country
  • City
  • Address

2. Read-only information includes:

  • Space Owner
  • Status
  • Members
  • Created by
  • Created at
  • Space ID

Figure 2 – General tab.png
Figure 2 – General tab


The PERMISSIONS tab allows you to enable or disable the Time Clock feature for the space. You can set the start and end times for the Time Clock, or enable the 24 hours checkbox to track time around the clock.
Figure 3 – Permissions tab.png
Figure 3 – Permissions tab


The OWNERSHIP tab allows you to transfer ownership of the space to another member. You can select the new owner from a dropdown list and click the Transfer button to initiate the transfer.
Figure 4 – Ownership tab.png
Figure 4 – Ownership tab

Saving Changes

After making any changes in the Space Settings window, click the Save button at the bottom of the window. A confirmation dialog will appear asking you to enter the SpaceID to confirm your changes.

The SpaceID is a unique identifier for each space within the Vision app. You can find the SpaceID in the GENERAL tab of the Space Settings window, under the read-only information section on the right side (sidebar).

Enter the correct SpaceID into the dialog box and confirm. If the SpaceID is correct, your changes will be saved.

Figure 5 – Confirming changes.png

Figure 5 – Confirming changes

Exporting Space information

You can export billing information and other details about the space by clicking the Export button. This will initiate a download of a sheet file in zipped format.

Figure 6 – Export space info.png
Figure 6 – Exporting Space details