Timeline: Navigating video content with ease


Written by NSoft Vision


Timeline provides a range of functionalities, from displaying a detailed record of sightings to offering search by identities and filter capabilities.

Activating the Timeline of the Camera: Your gateway to video content

Timeline can be activated in two ways: by either clicking anywhere on the camera display or selecting the outline_insights_black_24dp.pngTimeline section icon in the left sidebar.

Figure 1 – Activating the Timeline of the Camera.gif
Figure 1 – Activating the Timeline of the Camera

Once activated, the display expands, revealing a host of new options and the Timeline section itself. These options are: 

  1. outline_arrow_back_black_24dp.png Return to Live View
  2. outline_file_download_black_24dp.png Download the timeline video button (activated once you select a video)
  3. baseline_fullscreen_black_24dp.png Full-screen
  4. outline_insights_black_24dp.png Latest sighted identities
  5. outline_flag_black_24dp.png Flags & Filters
  6. baseline_search_black_24dp.png Search option
  7. outline_play_arrow_black_24dp.png Return to current time
  8. outline_timeline_black_24dp.png Timeline section
  9. outline_date_range_black_24dp.png Search Timeline by date-time

Figure 2 – Timeline of the camera.png
Figure 2 – Timeline of the camera

Some options are self-explanatory, while others that require additional explanations will be covered in the following sections.

Search and Filters: Finding who you need

Timeline section offers a search feature to locate individuals who were captured by the camera. To find a specific identity, simply click on the search option, which opens a pop-up window where you can enter the person's name for searching.

Figure 3 – Search identities.png
Figure 3 – Search identities

In addition to the search feature, the Timeline offers three filters to help you sift through the data:

  • Validation Status: Filter out people by their validation status.
  • Flags: Filter out people by flags.
  • Gender: Filter out people by gender.

These filters allow you to narrow down the sightings based on specific criteria, making it easier to find the information you're looking for.

Video playback: Downloading clips

The Timeline is not just a passive record. You can actively interact with the recordings by navigating through the timeline and easily download the clip for further analysis or record-keeping by simply clicking the downloadoutline_file_download_black_24dp.png icon.

Figure 4 – Downloading Clips.gif
Figure 4 – Downloading Clips

Last identities: A snapshot of recent activity

In the 'Last Identities' list, you can see the last identities that passed in front of the selected camera. Identities are ordered by the time of the sighting. Clicking on any of the identities will open the identity details tab where you can find more information about this identity.

Figure 5 – Last Identities.png
Figure 5 – Last Identities

The Identity Details are explained in detail in our baseline_folder_open_black_24dp.png Directory guide.

Timeline section: A closer look

The Timeline is essentially a chronological record of all the sightings of people that have appeared in front of the selected camera. Underneath the Timeline, you can see the exact time and date when a person was sighted on camera. By scrolling your mouse, you can expand or scale down the time period you are checking. Clicking on a sighting within the Timeline will open a two-minute video capturing the moment that person was recorded.

Figure 6 – Timeline section.png
Figure 6 – Timeline section

In conclusion, the Timeline in NSoft Vision is a powerful feature that allows you to effectively manage and navigate your video content. By understanding how to use the Timeline section, you can make the most of your surveillance and monitoring efforts.