Control Panel: Adding a control display


Written by NSoft Vision


The Control Display allows you to create a dedicated display for a single camera.

Understanding control display

The Control Display is a unique feature in Vision system that allows users to create a dedicated display for a single camera. This display generates a URL that can be shared with security or other personnel for monitoring. The control display can be customized with a name, camera selection, and specified working hoursbaseline_schedule_black_24dp.png.

Setting up a control display

Follow these steps to up a control display (see Figure 1):

  1. Navigate to the Control Paneltune_FILL0_wght300_GRAD0_opsz20.png, located in the bottom left corner of the starting interface.
  2. Open the General tab in the main navigation bar of the Control Panel.
  3. In the General tab, select the Control Display tab in the navigation bar.
  4. Click the baseline_add_circle_outline_black_18dp.png sign located in the bottom right corner to create a new Control Display.

Figure 1 – Add control display.png
Figure 1 – Add control display

In this step, you need to enter the name of your control display, select the camera you want to preview, and specify the working hoursbaseline_schedule_black_24dp.png. Once you have entered the necessary information, click the "Save" button to create a new control display (see Figure 2)

Figure 2 – Control display details.png
Figure 2 – Control display details

Accessing your control display

To access your newly created Control Display, you will need its URL address. Double-click the created control display to open a popup window with details. Inside, you should be able to find the URL address. Click 'Copybaseline_content_copy_black_18dp.png' to copy to the clipboard (see Figure 3).

Figure 3 – Control display URL.png
Figure 3 – Control display URL

Finally, paste the URL address into a browser tab to preview your newly created control display (see Figure 4).

Figure 4 – Control Display Preview.png
Figure 4 – Control Display Preview