Control Panel: Creating and managing notifications


Written by NSoft Vision


Vision offers different types of notifications with customizable settings.

Configuring a notification

To create a new notification, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Control Paneltune_FILL0_wght300_GRAD0_opsz20.png, located in the bottom right corner of the starting interface.
  2. In the Control Panel menu, open the Notifications tab located in the navigation bar.
  3. Click the baseline_add_circle_outline_black_18dp.pngsign "+" located in the bottom right corner to create a new notification.

Figure 1 – Notification tab.png
Figure 1 – Notification tab

Enter the name and select the notification type. The types of notifications available in the system will be explained in the following sections.

Figure 2 – Notification types.png
Figure 2 – Notification types

Select the event type for the notification trigger

There are currently six types of notifications available in Vision:

  • People Count: Receive occupancy count notifications.
  • Flag Detection: Receive notifications for flagged identities detected on cameras.
  • Body Temperature Detection: Receive notifications for abnormal body temperature readings.
  • Validation Status Detection: Receive notifications about the detected identity's validation status.
  • Age and Gender Detection: Receive notifications for age and gender identification.
  • Identity Tracking: Receive notifications when the same identity is detected in multiple locations.

Select the type of notification you need and define its behavior to meet your requirements.

People Count

To define a case for this notification, select one of the options offered by 'People Count' type (see Figure 3):

  • Sends notification when the number of people is greater than or equal (≥) to a certain number
  • Sends notification when the number of people is less than or equal (≤) to a certain number

After selecting the option you need, define the number in the "Number" field.

Figure 3 – People count.png
Figure 3 – People count

Flag detection

To define a case for this notification, select the Flags for which you want to receive notifications. If a person with the selected flag appears in front of the camera, you will receive an instant notification (see Figure 4).

Figure 4 – Flag Detection.png
Figure 4 – Flag Detection

Age and Gender detection

This notification type has three subtypes: Age & Gender, Age, and Gender. To define the case for this notification, choose one of the options offered by this type (see Figure 5):

  • Send notification when the age prediction is greater than or equal (≥) to a certain number
  • Send notification when the age prediction is less than or equal (≤) to a certain number

After selecting the option you need, define the number in the "Number" field.

If you wish to restrict this notification case to a specific gender, click the gender field and choose M/F. You can also pick one of the other two subtypes that are available for this notification.

Figure 5 – Age and gender detection.png
Figure 5 – Age and gender detection

Body Temperature detection

To define the case for this notification, first define the body temperature threshold in the "Number" field (see Figure 6). If a person appears in front of the camera and has a body temperature higher than this number, you will be notified immediately.

Figure 6 – Body Temperature Detection.png
Figure 6 – Body Temperature Detection

Validation status detection

This notification type offers two options (see Figure 7):

  • Validated: Get notified when Vision detects a validated person.
  • Non-Validated: Get notified when Vision detects a Non-Validated person.

Figure 7 – Validation Status Detection.png
Figure 7 – Validation Status Detection

Identity Tracking

Identity Tracking is a new notification type that's designed to send a notification when the same identity appears in multiple locations. For more information on how Identity Tracking works and its benefits, please refer to this articleblobid0.png.

To set up an Identity Tracking notification, follow the steps below (see Figure 8):

  • Enter your desired name for the notification in the 'Notification Name' field. Make sure your name is descriptive and will help you recognize this specific notification in the future.
  • In the 'Select Notification Type' dropdown menu, select 'Identity Tracking'.
  • In the 'Select Flags' field, choose the relevant flags from the dropdown menu. You can select multiple flags by checking the checkboxes next to the flag names. If you don't want to specify flags, you can choose the 'None [All Identities]' option.
  • Under 'Define the notification', ensure that the checkbox next to 'Send a notification when the same identity appears in multiple locations' is ticked.
  • Define the number of locations in the 'Number of locations' field. The minimum number required is two. This signifies that a notification will be sent when an identity appears in at least the specified number of different locations.
  • In the 'Select number of days' field, specify the time range, from 1 to 90 days, over which you want the system to track the identity. The system will then send a notification if the same identity is detected in the set number of locations over the specified number of days.

Figure 8 – Finalizing the Notification.png
Figure 8 – Identity Tracking

Finalizing the notification

Once you have completed these steps, proceed to the next phase of notification setup where you will choose which labels or locations/cameras you want notifications about, select which groups of members will have access to this notification, and define the notification delivery channel.

Activate your new notification by toggling 'Enable'baseline_toggle_on_black_18dp.png, then click 'Create' to finalize it.

Figure 9 – Identity Tracking.png
Figure 9 – Finalizing the Notification

Subscribing to notifications

To receive a notification, you need to subscribe to it. In your Account details, find your notification under the Subscriptions tab and subscribe to it. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to My Account baseline_account_circle_black_18dp.png
  2. Navigate to the Subscriptions tab
  3. Find the notification you want to subscribe to, then go ahead and subscribe.